Somatic Experiencing, Trauma Resolution and Nervous System Support
More FAQ about Somatic Experiencing®
What does an SE session involve?​
1. Learning to track physical sensations
The first couple of sessions may feel like you are learning a new language. That's because you may be! Sensation is the language of the nervous system, but being present in our bodies is a skill, and may feel unfamiliar at first. With practice and guidance, you will refine the art of sensory tracking and employ it as a tool to regulate your nervous system.​

2. Resourcing
Initially, we will attend more to bodily sensations of calm and settling, establishing a “resource” for you that we will return to throughout the session. A resource may be a memory, image, physical movement, yoga posture, breathing practice, vocalization, phrase, or something else that brings your body and mind into a state of rest.
3. Titration
Once we have established a resource, we will begin to move through the sensations associated with your trauma/stressors and identify what impulsive motor movements, energetic discharge, vocalizations or emotions failed to be resolved/completed at the time of the event. We will slowly release this bound stress energy in a way that is not overwhelming to your nervous system. We will allow plenty of time and space for your body’s natural needs and impulses to arise, and gently facilitate their release.

4. Pendulation
A key component in self-regulation is the practice of alternating between the sensations associated with trauma, and those that are a source of strength and comfort. SE operates in cycles that mirror the natural, rhythmic expansion and contraction of a healthy nervous system. Pendulation involves touching lightly into traumatic material, then back into resource/restful states, and repeating this process throughout each session. This supports the nervous system’s fluidity, flexibility, and return to equilibrium.
5. Integration
SE places an emphasis on maintaining awareness of the present moment, while allowing stress-related nervous impulses to be safely, gently experienced and gradually discharged. This way, you may start to integrate your experience in a more embodied and regulated way, while simultaneously experiencing a growing sense of safety, wholeness, and empowerment.
How is Somatic Experiencing® different from other therapeutic modalities?
SE is not talk therapy. SE involves focused awareness on your present-moment, physical and sensory experience. The aim is to help you access the body’s memory of the event. You may share your story with me, but we will pause throughout our discussion to connect what you are thinking and saying to what your body is experiencing.
SE offers a gentle approach to treating trauma. Rather than reliving or re-enacting the trauma, SE supports you to develop body awareness and renegotiate the way your nervous system responds to certain triggers and experiences.
Each SE session is specific to your present-moment state of being, and is ultimately guided by your bodily sensations and the activity of your nervous system. Thus, SE is experienced as your own journey of self-empowered healing, rather than someone else "healing you."
Every client is different. Based on her/his unique experience, some clients may feel they have resolution after just a few SE sessions; others may wish to experience SE for many weeks or months in support of their healing process.